35 Days Later

Zombie Suit

I do hope you are all well and reading this blog means that you are also counting down the time for life to return to some sort of normality.


Where has the time gone?


 Like many of you, I had the grand plans of sorting out the house, home-schooling my children and working from home.


Well, all my lists of actions have not been completed but I can share with you what I have achieved.


My wins include:


  • Home-schooling and homework competed every day – sometimes serious negotiations take place and Kinder Eggs and other forms of reward are used.


  • I have become more flexible with my client work– I know the pressure they are under, so I am being flexible too. This is a win-win.


  • We have family dinner at 5 pm every day – this includes everyone (grandparents live with us) and children – but no phones or tablets. This has taken a few bumps to get in place, but we all love it now and it is a great time for us all to come together. I am also now only cooking one meal per night which is always a plus.


  • I am appreciating the simple “walk” around the block or in the close neighbourhood with the children.


  • I am doing my exercise daily – this has given me a boost in energy.


  • I recently completed exams to take my business to the next level (more about that in my next blog)


  • We have been supporting local businesses with various takeaway orders ranging from cakes, afternoon teas, local beer, vegetable boxes and bread boxes. You can find all the companies on my Instagram account here.


  • I have taught local business owners how to use Zoom and other online platforms to get them “online” during this time.


  • I supported the running of the annual Young Enterprise Showcase for Sussex virtually with other local business owners. The young adults do such a great job and I do hope the Company Programme runs well into the future so my own children can take part when they are old enough. 


So yes, it has been hard work but I feel I have given more back to the local community in the last 5 weeks than before, which is an awesome feeling and something I want to keep up after all the lockdown restrictions are lifted.


Oh yes, and I have taken up calligraphy again – I do love pretty handwriting and my husband always does make me write all the family cards as he has “doctor scribble” font! 😉


From May I will have an opening for a new client so if your business is doing great, but you want it to do better, give me a call to have a virtual coffee.


Stay safe, stay home, and take care until next time.


If you would like to discuss how I could help you with your work like balance then contact me.